
We need volunteers in sales, marketing, PR, IT, and general "running of an organization."  Maximize your Appleseed energy to make this program grow, and help fill the empty spots on the firing line!  An hour of time spent at this level can have the impact of ten or a hundred hours on the firing line.  Want to help? Send a PM to Monkey!

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Rally on Rochester - October 1-2, 2011

Started by AFTERMATH, September 21, 2011, 11:23:09 PM

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Just to ensure that all of you are up to speed - This month has not been going well for Appleseed in Minnesota, as far as attendance is concerned.  While we had a good showing at Winona, we've had a few set backs.  Both Wells, and Hinckley had came in with low turnout.  Duluth and Marshall didn't even fair that well.  Both had to be cancelled, with the primary factor being an unsatisfactory number of pre-registrations.

I never thought I'd see the day of a cancelled shoot in Minnesota - let alone TWO in one month!

I feel as though I've failed you, Minnesota.  But it is my hope that we can learn from this and turn it around.  I've always been of the opinion that every American counts.  That if even we have but one shooter at an event, and that shooter learns their heritage and becomes a better American - That was a successful Appleseed.  However, we cannot continue down this path of low turnouts.  Poor attendance places strain on both the Instructors as well as the host club. 
Understand that if we occupy an entire range for an entire weekend - we displace club members.  While that is inevitable in any scenario; the reaction of the displaced is of an inverse relationship to the number of shooters on the line.  The higher the attendance, the less upset the displaced will be.  But if a member is looking to utilize the range that weekend, and they find out they can't because of only a handfull of Appleseeders - well they're likely to leave with a bitter taste in their mouth - Both for the inconvenience as well as for the Appleseed program.  "Who are these Appleseeders thinking they can use my range all weekend?  Why do they need the whole range for five people?"  - That's what they're thinking.  It seems to be common sense that if you've got five or even less shooters, and ten members that can't use the range now, well you're probably doing more harm than good.  Who gets hurt the worst?  Probably the range/club - as they opened their doors for Appleseed, but now they're receiving complaints from members.  That stress will placed upon our relationship with the host.  Remember, if it wasn't for our host ranges - We'd have no place to shoot! 
Most shooters in general, understand the need to get more people involved in the sport.  Many of them already understand the importance of our American Heritage.  Therefor, they are not as likely to get upset when they show up and see a full line.  Makes sense, right?  If you were driving through town and came to a road that was closed off because a few people were having a party.  You'd be upset.  You like to party, too, but what's the rational of closing off the road to the many - for the sake of the few?  However, if you were to be driving down that same road at another time and saw the road was filled with people, parades, etc...; you find out the town is having a block-party or festival of some sort - You don't get quite as upset.  In fact, rather than getting frustrated by the inconvenience, you would probably consider joining in the fun.  If it's all on private property - then it doesn't matter either way. +1 for DAR's. ^-^  Of which we have none, yet... :(
None of us want to see a shoot cancelled again.  None of us want to see these low numbers.  We all want to see Appleseed expand to new locations, new demographics, and new records for attendance.  But none of this is going to happen if we don't turn it around!  That's right Minnesota - We're gonna turn this around! 

Rally on Rochester!!!

Who here, in MN specifically but other areas as well, remembers the last event they were at with 40+ people on the line?  It's been over a year for me - Far too long.  There was a time when we couldn't even fathom a shoot with less then twenty attendees - In fact, that was the minimum capacity recommendation for new ranges for some time.  There was a time when sold-out shoots filled the schedule.  MN was had a perfect record for our first three shoots, then we hit a little blip at Crescent - Dismayed to have only about twenty shooters. :o  We made up for that by selling out the next one in Winona.  In 2010; we filled three shoots in one weekend!  That was the April 18th, special event - Probably over a hundred shooters, statewide.  Fast forward just one year - April of this year could have been a sign of what's to come.  We didn't even fill to half of our capacity.  What happened Minnesota?  I'm pretty sure we haven't had everyone in the state at an Appleseed, yet.  Are there not still many who want/need to learn the art of riflery?  Are there not still many who want/need to hear the story of April 19th, 1775?  Does everyone in this state already know what it means to be a Rifleman?  Do they know what it means to be an American?

[Enough ranting AFTERMATH, we get it - But what are you getting at?]

Looking at the schedule, I see our next shoot is Rochester.  The COVERED firing line holds 40 and change.  The club house is excellent!  Local amenities abound.  I can't think of a better place to rally our troops and to charge forward.  We have one week to get this done.  At 17 Pre-Regs; we're just about halfway there already!  Do see it?  Can you smell it?  Can you taste it?  The sights and smells of Liberty, the taste of Victory as forty of your fellow Minnesotans open fire on the Redcoats, Saturday morning? 

We NEED this event to sell out, Minnesota. 

[Well, how do you intend to fill twenty slots in one week, AFTERMATH?]

Not me, Minnesota - YOU!

Myself, I couldn't get twenty shooters in a year if I tried.  I know because I've tried - way too many times.  I can't do it alone.  It's up to you to make this happen!
You can do it - It won't be easy but YOU can do it!
Pull out all stops - Deplete all resources - Push hard, charge forward, don't hesitate!
We need this - Here in Rochester - We need this NOW.

After this event, we have two more this year, in Hinckley.  We've got no new leads, so it's likely this will wrap it up!  Let's make 2011 go out with a bang! 
Focus on the front sight - Rally on Rochester.
I'll see what I can do about Hinckley.

Right here, right now - We make a commitment to have no more tiny shoots, without doing every darn thing we can to prevent it!

How can you help promote?  ANY WAY YOU CAN!!!
Do what it takes - if you'd like specific direction contact Kosciusko and AFTERMATH - tell us you're here help.

Thank you all in advance for your deeds.

Let's make Minnesota the envy of Appleseed.

Rally on Rochester!!!


P.S Sorry for this post being so long - I realize by the time you're through reading, it'll already be next week.  You didn't actually have to read the whole thing - As long as you got the understanding of it - Rally on Rochester.  But since you're reading this, I'll assume you made it through the whole post.  Thank you for taking the time, I hope you enjoyed the writing and it has inspired you to promote this event.  Then again, if you're still reading this, not sure it all came across right.  You're supposed to be promoting Rochester right now - not reading this.  What?  You're still reading this...   ???  Ok, you can stop reading now, and get to work! ~~:)  Seriously, I mean it.  This is vital.  But you're still reading aren't you?  Hmm... How can I get you to stop reading this and help you understand the necessity of promotions?  I wonder.....  Stop reading this!  Oh, I guess that doesn't work.  Don't get much authority in a volunteer organization do I...  Please?  Still not working.   :wb: :wb: :wb:  Ok, you win.  I'm just going to stop typing.... :-X

;D ;D ;D ;D
"We intend to produce men who are able to light a fire for Liberty in men's minds, and make them the finest rifle marksmanship Instructors on the planet." - Son of Martha

"Tyrants rise and fall, but tyranny lasts forever." -Me

[What kind of megalomaniac quotes himself?]


Oh, you're still reading....

Guess I'll just mention then:
If the cause itself is not worthy - Let's do it as a parting shot for one our IIT's who will be moving to Texas in the coming weeks.  That's right, the North Star State is infiltrating the Lone Star State. >:D
He'd be all for this Rally on Rochester - Heck, he's probably still talking it up like crazy, telling the uhaul guys about us while working like a hamster in a wheel organizing the logistics necessary to make a move to the other side of the country.  Yeah, I'm sure of it.  Maybe, he'll find time to stop by, but in any case after all the work he's done for MN, we owe it to him, to show him what he'll be missing. @)
I'm not sure if he want's an announcement quite yet, if so he can speak to this.  If not, you'll know who it is when the time is right.  Unless of course he's already told everyone in person.  Then you know.

Why are you still reading?
"We intend to produce men who are able to light a fire for Liberty in men's minds, and make them the finest rifle marksmanship Instructors on the planet." - Son of Martha

"Tyrants rise and fall, but tyranny lasts forever." -Me

[What kind of megalomaniac quotes himself?]


"We intend to produce men who are able to light a fire for Liberty in men's minds, and make them the finest rifle marksmanship Instructors on the planet." - Son of Martha

"Tyrants rise and fall, but tyranny lasts forever." -Me

[What kind of megalomaniac quotes himself?]

Puma Mami

I got Doug to go to Rochester, and pay the $70 so he can wear his comfy clothes instead of reenactor stuff, which is distracting to him, I think.

I talked to a few people at the homeschooler conference, gave out some trifolds, and put up trifolds at the large library near my house this weekend.

I'm working on bringing some people to Hinckley with me Thanksgiving weekend. That seems to be an easier time when families are less busy, even though the weather is less hospitable.

Next year I recommend scheduling one or more AS events in October on MEA weekend, after kids have Thursday and Friday off school.  It's normally the third weekend of October. Non-custodial dads tend to have visitation Wednesday evening through Sunday evening, so that might help them attend with their child. Worth a try. Families are very busy these days. Offering some one-day events might help with that.

What are we not doing this year that was happening previously when events were being attended more heavily? Not putting flyers around in the local area? Not doing press releases in the area? Gun ranges not promoting the events? Clubs and groups not being invited? Need radio public service announcements? Have we alienated gun club members like Aftermath was talking about and gotten a bad reputation as a group? Will giving LibertySeed talks in an area help drive attendance?

I guess we will need to cover the basics of promoting each event thoroughly, and maybe funnel more attendees into fewer events. One thing that can happen if there are only a few events for a year is people think, "Oh, I need to go now before it fills up, and because the next one is much later/too far away/etc." But we had a very long list of events this year in Minnesota, which can lead people to become complacent and put it off and think, "Oh, I guess I'll do it next month." Plus if people don't want to lose their registration money, they might not pre-register and instead plan to just arrive, if nothing else comes up. But then maybe laziness and apathy set in and they don't do it -- after all, there's another one coming up in a few weeks. Are we seeing that kind of dynamic because they can "walk on"?
"Saving America...lots of things are easier to accomplish, few are more worthwhile." ~Fred

"In the depth of winter I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer."  ~Albert Camus

Puma Mami

Well, now Doug isn't going. He decided we can't afford to spend the money on the event fee and a hotel night. So he's canceling. I think that won't open up another ticket on Eventbrite, though. So you may have to manually adjust the headcount.

Edit: Looks like he can't cancel less than a week out. So maybe he will be going after all. I hope he does go, because it will give him a break from frustrating teenagers and kids around here. It would also be nice if he made rifleman first in the family. I think guys prefer it that way, generally  ;)
"Saving America...lots of things are easier to accomplish, few are more worthwhile." ~Fred

"In the depth of winter I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer."  ~Albert Camus

Puma Mami

Quote from: AFTERMATH on September 21, 2011, 11:23:09 PM
I feel as though I've failed you, Minnesota.  But it is my hope that we can learn from this and turn it around.
You do a ton of stuff for Appleseed in Minnesota, Alex. So don't be too hard on yourself. No one person can do everything, and I think there's too much "lone wolf" type of activity where it isn't coordinated to make it more effective -- a team effort, working together. If we can get everyone in Minnesota involved and knowing what will help the most, what is most needed at any given time, and doing a bit of promotion stuff each month, I think we can get good results without burning people out.

I think we need to get more effective working as a group and making stuff happen that needs to happen as far as promotions. We will have opportunities this winter when there aren't AS events going on at the ranges, so maybe we can focus on LibertySeeds and get people excited to go out to the range in the spring and summer. If we can go talk to groups, maybe that would help, too. If we can run 1-day shoots for Scouts and/or youth at Dakota County Gun Club a few times next summer, I think we will see a huge response with their parents wanting to try an AS, too (which would have to be elsewhere, because DCGC can't have a group there that charges for events). Perhaps we can offer a one-day AS in the fall as a follow-up to their hunter safety class. There were a ton of kids out there for the class a couple weeks ago!

We need to work together, have priorities and a strategy (which I think Kociusko is good at), and maybe have monthly or quarterly meetings (web meeting, conference call?) to help with group cohesiveness and awareness of what's most needed. Reading the forum occasionally is probably not going to get the same results as actual, synchronous state-wide meetings of some type would.

If we did some one-day events next summer would that help us get metro area ranges signed on? Metro area events seem very key to getting Twin Cities people out to an AS event. Minnesota has a population of 5,303,925 according to the 2010 census. The Twin Cities 7-county area population is 2,849,567. With about 54% of the state population in the Twin Cities, we really need to bring AS events here, one way or another. LibertySeeds are one way. How can we get range events? Can we get into metro area ranges in the winter when they aren't so busy? Have we tried that yet? Are there any viable indoor range options in the metro area?
"Saving America...lots of things are easier to accomplish, few are more worthwhile." ~Fred

"In the depth of winter I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer."  ~Albert Camus


You give me too much credit...
Also, you have some good ideas.  Hold on to them for a moment.  Right now our front sight is Rochester.
14 hrs left to Register!
We have 15 tickets left to sell.

Come on Minnesota!

You can do it!
CSHR is intown for a little while, and has volunteered to SB this event!
What an excellent opportunity, Instructors from different regions often have a few different tricks up thier sleeve.  You'll be able to take advantage of experiencing a bit of California's exploding Appleseed program - Right here in your own back yard!
That's take a weekend drive to Rochester, MNCA - From what I hear we're even going to have some Califoria-ish weather this weekend.  And if not-the firing lines are covered!

"We intend to produce men who are able to light a fire for Liberty in men's minds, and make them the finest rifle marksmanship Instructors on the planet." - Son of Martha

"Tyrants rise and fall, but tyranny lasts forever." -Me

[What kind of megalomaniac quotes himself?]

Puma Mami

Quote from: AFTERMATH on September 29, 2011, 08:41:20 PM
Right now our front sight is Rochester.
14 hrs left to Register!
We have 15 tickets left to sell.
Doug will be there! He went and sighted in his rifle last night.  :)  Maybe he will get that rifleman patch this weekend.

I 7th stepped a couple of homeschool moms yesterday at a field trip. One was very interested in having her son attend, but probably with her husband to start with. But they are looking more at a Thanksgiving-type timeframe, or next summer.

I also gave one of the bi-fold mini flyers and my Appleseed card to an army sergeant who was checking out at Sam's Club in the lane next to me. I just quickly stepped over, thanked him for serving, and told him this was a 2-day marksmanship clinic he can bring his guys to, and that military shoots free. He stopped on the way to the door and read the whole thing.  O0

Most people I talk to are looking for events at least 2-6 weeks away, though.

I've attached a copy of my business card. This was from Vistaprint (500 for $10, shipped) with one of their existing backgrounds. Came out nicely, and goes well with the trifold brochure color scheme. Anyone can order these. Just find that background and put the text on the way you want it.
"Saving America...lots of things are easier to accomplish, few are more worthwhile." ~Fred

"In the depth of winter I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer."  ~Albert Camus


I have been promoting in Rochester, at work, at the 2 gun shops, at the range when I am there but have had limited success. We have had a few more sign up this week- 7-8 more shooters.  At Rochester there has been lower attendance in the fall and a full line in the spring.  In 2012 I will work on a more systematic promotion plan and recruit more promoters. sg/ FV
Illegitimi non carborundum

Puma Mami

Quote from: FreedomV on September 30, 2011, 11:38:50 PM
I have been promoting in Rochester, at work, at the 2 gun shops, at the range when I am there but have had limited success. We have had a few more sign up this week- 7-8 more shooters.  At Rochester there has been lower attendance in the fall and a full line in the spring.  In 2012 I will work on a more systematic promotion plan and recruit more promoters. sg/ FV
Thank you for your efforts! That sounds really good. Rochester was a lot more full than other recent events in Minnesota, so I think your efforts definitely did pay off. Some of the people you talked to may end up coming to an Appleseed next year. Promotions do produce both short-term and long-term results.

Next year having more people doing the same kinds of things you did, and coordinating to systematically cover the area, will probably yield an even bigger result. It's hard for one person to do a whole promotion plan on their own. "Many hands make light work."  ;)

Giving LibertySeed talks at libraries or for groups in the area might help, too.
"Saving America...lots of things are easier to accomplish, few are more worthwhile." ~Fred

"In the depth of winter I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer."  ~Albert Camus