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Hinckley - This weekend! Valley Forge!

Started by AFTERMATH, December 09, 2010, 06:22:37 PM

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I just checked the newly updated pre-regs....
How can it be; that a shoot that's been on the schedule for nearly a year, has but two pre-registrations?
I know it can be a little chilly this time of year up here.
And I won't lie.  The forcast says that the highest temperature we'll see this weekend is 11 degrees F.(I'll let you look up the lows. @) )
But I highly doubt that would have phased our guys at Valley Forge!  Where supplies were cut off and disease ran rampant!
They made it through that cold and harsh winter.  They persevered.  They persisted, adapted, and improved their skills.  Once they finally broke camp; nothing could keep them from their ultimate victory! 
So, how about it?  Will you get off your warm but worn couch; and get down in the cold, but soft fresh snow?
Adamt and I will be there, holding the fort!  How about you?
Besides; you wanna really earn that Winterseed Patch, don't you?
When your friend down in Texas, starts bragging about how POP handed him his patch at the last shoot.
You can respond;
Quote"Friend-I have no doubts that you earned that expert score, and POP is definitely a great guy. But with all do respect, friend, you did not brave the inhospitable frozen tundra of Minnesota, persisting despite the icicles hanging from your eyelashes, and persevere to hit a very noble 218; only to find you still had to pry the patch out of Aftermath's hand.  Not because he didn't want to let it go; but because it had frozen to his fingers.  But I indeed commend your accomplishment!  Great work! O0 "

Ah, yes!  That sounds like IcicleSeed!  Chiseling Riflemen out of a solid block of ice!

Come prepared, we'll see you there!

"We intend to produce men who are able to light a fire for Liberty in men's minds, and make them the finest rifle marksmanship Instructors on the planet." - Son of Martha

"Tyrants rise and fall, but tyranny lasts forever." -Me

[What kind of megalomaniac quotes himself?]


Oh yes, I will be there. Thanks to JoeZ I will be inbound with a fresh set of 100 yard KDAQT targets. Hopefully we will be able to make good use of them. I guess a high of 11F is not too bad. I don't think that it gets much colder at 4:00 pm when the sun goes down. Whatever cloudy and frigid means. Unlike our brothers at Valley Forge we should have warm boots and warm food.

Hopefully we will have a full line.

"If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide."

--  Abraham Lincoln


Well, there're still only two pre-regs... :'(
So, we have plenty of room for walk-ons! ^-^
But considering the weather outlook; I must admit it is unlikely we will have many.
Therefor, I am calling off any instructors who may have been planning to come but aren't on the schedule.
You are still welcome to attend - perfect opportunity to get some trigger-time - but reimbursements will not be available.
No; we will not cancel; but Adam and I do have it under control.

Please arrive prepared to face the elements.
Adam has compiled some usefull tips here:  IcicleSeed Planning
We will be adressing the issues presented to the best of our abilities/resources and striving to achieve a more comfortable environment; but ultimately, it is up to YOU to be prepared for anything.

I know we all wanna be 'hardcore'  :cool2: but more importantly; Please be safe.

Thank you!

See you there!


P.S.  I hope this doesn't scare anyone. :o
"We intend to produce men who are able to light a fire for Liberty in men's minds, and make them the finest rifle marksmanship Instructors on the planet." - Son of Martha

"Tyrants rise and fall, but tyranny lasts forever." -Me

[What kind of megalomaniac quotes himself?]


I still have another doe tag to fill or I might attempt the drive across WI's western boarder. Dicey is thinking that she's a warm weather IIT...sorry. Stay warm and drive safe. You guys are Iron Men. :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:
Honoring the memory of Adonijah Taylor (1730-1810) my Grandfather seven generations back, Deerfield MA Militiaman and Patriot, who answered the alarm on April 19, 1775 and along with his six sons served in the War of the Revolution.

"What good fortune for governments that the people do not think." - Adolf Hitler

"All political power comes from the barrel of a gun. The communist party must command all the guns, that way, no guns can ever be used to command the party." - Mao Tse Tung

"Those bold enough to believe that they can change the world, are usually those which do."
-Albert Einstein

"Let Freedom never perish in your hands."
-Joseph Addison


To the countless hoards eager to attend,

Please travel safe. Check the weather and roads. Feel free to pm me as you leave to let us know you are on the way. I will promptly reply with my phone number.

See you in the morning.

"If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide."

--  Abraham Lincoln