
We need volunteers in sales, marketing, PR, IT, and general "running of an organization."  Maximize your Appleseed energy to make this program grow, and help fill the empty spots on the firing line!  An hour of time spent at this level can have the impact of ten or a hundred hours on the firing line.  Want to help? Send a PM to Monkey!

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Hinckley, 25-26 September, 2010 --- 2 new Riflemen!

Started by AFTERMATH, August 30, 2010, 09:50:10 PM

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9 Pre-Regs!  Being several weeks that's pretty good for a location with a historically low turn-out!
But can we rest there?  Of course not!
No, we must take this opportunity to do better!
We're almost half full; let's sell it out!
Can you think of a better way to commemorate the sixth event at this location?
So far, despite the low turn-outs, Hinckley has proved to be tremendously benneficial to the program.
More than a few have found their first 210 here, and more than a few have found a new hat afterwards!
Imagine, what we could accomplish with a full line!  Imagine what sort of impact this could make on the range!
We are quite privileged to be able to have a shoot here once a month!

Sign up now!  That'll make the shoots in Nov. and Dec. that much easier.  As you won't have to deal with the firehose in the cold crisp air!

The eyes of Minnesota are upon you!

"We intend to produce men who are able to light a fire for Liberty in men's minds, and make them the finest rifle marksmanship Instructors on the planet." - Son of Martha

"Tyrants rise and fall, but tyranny lasts forever." -Me

[What kind of megalomaniac quotes himself?]

Greg in MO

Hey Alex!

If you and vmt don't mind, Cookie Lady and I are thinking about coming up to help you guys at the end of this month.  Just trying to work out all the details, but stay tuned.  Place your cookie requests...  O0



Greg, that'd be awesome!  Either Hinckley or the next weekend in Duluth!  Look forward to meeting you both! 

and I like oatmeal raisin cookies :D
Pugna pro Patria


Quote from: Greg in MO on September 01, 2010, 09:25:00 AM
Hey Alex!

If you and vmt don't mind, Cookie Lady and I are thinking about coming up to help you guys at the end of this month.  Just trying to work out all the details, but stay tuned.  Place your cookie requests...  O0


Sounds great!
Let me know if you need any extra intell!
I've got no special cookie requests...  Every one I've had has been superb!  Cookie Lady rocks!
"We intend to produce men who are able to light a fire for Liberty in men's minds, and make them the finest rifle marksmanship Instructors on the planet." - Son of Martha

"Tyrants rise and fall, but tyranny lasts forever." -Me

[What kind of megalomaniac quotes himself?]


By the way Greg & Cookie Lady;

You're welcome to come up to our picnic[that people are voting on right now; right??? &) ] if you'd like as well.
We're still in your region, right?
"We intend to produce men who are able to light a fire for Liberty in men's minds, and make them the finest rifle marksmanship Instructors on the planet." - Son of Martha

"Tyrants rise and fall, but tyranny lasts forever." -Me

[What kind of megalomaniac quotes himself?]

Greg in MO

Yes, you guys are still in my region.  That's one of the reasons we're coming...



Quote from: Greg in MO on September 01, 2010, 11:06:05 PM
Yes, you guys are still in my region.  That's one of the reasons we're coming...


I worried they'd bunched us in with Canada..... :-[

I hope you can make it!
"We intend to produce men who are able to light a fire for Liberty in men's minds, and make them the finest rifle marksmanship Instructors on the planet." - Son of Martha

"Tyrants rise and fall, but tyranny lasts forever." -Me

[What kind of megalomaniac quotes himself?]


Man, If we are going to be bunched in with canada I may move to Iowa   :sos:

Greg in MO and Cookie Lady, I look forward to meeting you.

P.S. Cookie Lady, if your name came from your cookies, I am really going to try to be there, I love cookies.

"If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide."

--  Abraham Lincoln


How did this fall so far down the list???  It's this weekend and we're up to 17!!!!    O0
Whatever promotions work we've been doing seems to be working!  See ya'll this weekend!
Pugna pro Patria


17 !!!  Huzzah!!   ..:..
Jackie (oops, Killer) and I will be there sometime Friday to help with setup.
"This Appleseed thing doesn't look like it would be for everyone, but it really is." Zac, age 7  كافر
"He who dares not offend cannot be honest." ~ Thomas Paine    "Cooper, you're an a**hole!" - recent Shoot Boss's compliment
"I don't know where "brave" leaves off and "foolish" picks up, but you've certainly got your share of courage." - FuzzyMath
"For the Rifle!, the Rifle!, in our hands will prove no trifle!" ~from the lyrics of "The Bennington Riflemen"
Understand the urgency of our mission; no amount of bailing can raise a sunken ship.
I don't want to be forced back into the darkness.

"Shut up and color." - slim


"These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives everything its value."   T Paine


Greg in MO


Quote from: colycat on September 21, 2010, 01:24:58 PM
Who is going to be the Shoot Boss?

Coly, Coly, Coly....
Give Inst. Sched. a chance to work their magic.... ::)

I got it!

Quote from: russellmn on September 21, 2010, 10:39:42 AM
How did this fall so far down the list???  It's this weekend and we're up to 17!!!!    O0
Whatever promotions work we've been doing seems to be working!  See ya'll this weekend!
Quote from: Cooper on September 21, 2010, 01:18:38 PM
17 !!!  Huzzah!!   ..:..
Jackie (oops, Killer) and I will be there sometime Friday to help with setup.

Holy camoli!  That's a Hinckley record!   :o  I wonder if we've got anyone from Hinckley coming. ::)
"We intend to produce men who are able to light a fire for Liberty in men's minds, and make them the finest rifle marksmanship Instructors on the planet." - Son of Martha

"Tyrants rise and fall, but tyranny lasts forever." -Me

[What kind of megalomaniac quotes himself?]


"We intend to produce men who are able to light a fire for Liberty in men's minds, and make them the finest rifle marksmanship Instructors on the planet." - Son of Martha

"Tyrants rise and fall, but tyranny lasts forever." -Me

[What kind of megalomaniac quotes himself?]