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"One Minute to Help Preserve Our Nation"

Started by Newsletter, March 21, 2024, 01:42:52 PM

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One Minute to Help Preserve Our Nation

Imagine a conversation with John Adams, Patrick Henry, and George Washington after 8 years of bloody battle, years of economic depression, and inner bickering on how to secure their new "America". How amazed would they be with our ability to impact our country in just a minute, compared to what they had to go through? Yet, they would be proud of the fact that we have benefited so greatly from their blessings.

It takes just one minute to write a simple postcard, email, or letter to our representatives to make a difference in preserving our nation. Although you will likely never convince a representative who is dead set on a position, they simply need to know that folks back home are for or against an issue and are watching them. Studies have shown that with just 10-12 letters, representatives on the state level can be swayed. With as few as 50 letters, some federal representatives can be swayed. Not bad for a minute's worth of work once or twice a week. This link can provide contact information for your State and Federal Representatives.

Below is an example of how simple a one-minute letter can be written to be both quick and effective.

"Dear Representative/Senator _______________,

As your constituent, I want you to vote for/against (or co-sponsor) bill (place the number here, or the issue). I will be watching your performance and base my votes on it. Also, I will be sharing your performance with the dozens of friends whom I regularly discuss current issues.

Thank you,

It's that simple! And you have just represented dozens of voters who would agree with your views but have not taken that minute to make their demands known to their representatives. This is a simple, but very effective tool your Forefathers bled on the battlefields of Colonial America to secure for you. Taking advantage of these tools is the least we can do for the freedoms that they paid so dearly to give us. If you believe this nation's government of the people, by the people, for the people, then you know the power of this government sits squarely in our hands.