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Parma, ID Pistol event, May 6, 2023 AAR

Started by Prescott, May 11, 2023, 08:02:18 PM

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The first Pistol clinic of the year went off with a bang (pun intended).   While the number of students was low, it was a manageable size for just two instructors.   

The students showed great progress in their pistol marksmanship throughout the day.   In the morning, a few students were struggling with a good sight picture and were not focusing on the front sight.   This was very evident by their talking targets and made it easy to help them focus on the proper marksmanship techniques to improve their groups.   The students responded will to the instruction and continue to make improvement with their marksmanship.   Once the instruction was done, we switched to shooting PQTs.   The students were coached to shoot at a pace that allowed them to continue to make good shots and to not focus on just getting hits on paper.   It was evident in the PQT scores on which students took this advice and which students were more focused on emptying their magazine.   The PQT targets are challenging and it usually takes students multiple attempts to shoot their Pistoleerâ„¢ score.

As we discussed during the class, perfect practice makes perfect.   Continue to dry practice at home to increase your pistol skills.  It has taken me many years of dry practice to get my pistols to an acceptable level.

Congratulations to Manly Man for shooting his PQT score.   He attended a pistol IBC conducted by Scuba Steve and needed to shoot his PQT score to get his promotion to a Pistol Instructor.  It is great having another Pistol Instructor in Idaho.
"America will never be destroyed from the outside.  If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." - Abraham Lincoln