
We need volunteers in sales, marketing, PR, IT, and general "running of an organization."  Maximize your Appleseed energy to make this program grow, and help fill the empty spots on the firing line!  An hour of time spent at this level can have the impact of ten or a hundred hours on the firing line.  Want to help? Send a PM to Monkey!

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2022 Wyoming/Western States IBC-RBC

Started by Captain, April 28, 2022, 12:00:54 PM

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Wyoming 2022 (IBC) . . . . . aka Douglas 6-22!

The Wyoming IBC will be held on Saturday, June 4 and Sunday, June 5, 2021. The Rifleman's Boot Camp immediately follows - details to follow.

Senior Instructor M1Bzrk will be driving in from Saratoga, Wyoming to conduct the class. He started in Appleseed at one of the first Wyoming Boot Camps and he's been an instructor at them ever since.  Let's fill the seats and make this event awesome!

**********************  LOCATION  ****************************

The IBC will take place in a meeting room in downtown Douglas. Map and directions to follow.

*****************  WHO SHOULD COME? ***********************

Anyone who wears any color Project Appleseed hat is invited to attend. Also, anyone who might be interested in wearing one of those coveted hats is also welcome to attend, but please PM myself or M1Bzrk to discuss.

Attendance is strongly encouraged if you haven't had the chance to attend an IBC this year. We already have Appleseeders attending from around the country (Hawaii, Michigan, Arkansas and Florida). The current situation in the world foretells increased demand and need for the Appleseed message of Liberty. Also, if money, transportation or an angry spouse might get in the way of your attendance, let us know and let's see if we can work it out.

Our volunteers cover a huge geographical area. Take advantage of the opportunity to reconnect or meet for the first time volunteers from all over the country and talk, share stories, and learn from each other.

BORDER RAIDERS WELCOME                            BORDER RAIDERS WELCOMEIf you're willing to get here, we'd love to have you!

**********************  SIGN UP  ****************************

All participants, please register via the Project Appleseed website here. Please include your forum name with your real name in the registration, so we can connect the dots!
Red and Green hats please also sign up via TIPs

*********************  AGENDA  ****************************

Friday evening (nothing scheduled)   I would expect someone to be at the KOA campground before 5 PM. Get settled in and stop by "the cabins" if you want.
Saturday - Official start! Appleseed, POIs and safety breakouts all day!
Sunday - More practice plus history, rifle familiarization, coaching, troubleshooting and KD.

We will start each morning at 8 AM and we will knock off around 6 PM on Saturday and 4 PM on Sunday.

Note: If you're arriving Saturday morning, please plan to arrive by 7:30 AM to get signed in.

**********************  LOGISTICS  ****************************

Breakfast - Attendees who eat breakfast normally meet at Village Inn at 0630 (ish)
Lunch - Bring lunch and any drinks and snacks for Saturday.  On Sunday, we'll order pizza.
Dinner - for anyone interested, somewhere local (TBD)

Any hotel in Douglas will be convenient to the event. Many attendees stay at the Douglas KOA.

********************  WHAT'S AN IBC? **************************

An Appleseed IBC is an intensive two day session for volunteers to refine their instruction and develop the skills to have a greater impact on our mission. We want to equip you and give you the skills to make every event you attend more successful. The attitude at an IBC is helpful - everyone is coming out to help each of us improve our abilities. All volunteers will get plenty of hands-on instruction and mentoring, while building friendships and camaraderie.  You shouldn't have any fear/trepidation about attending - the purpose of the event is not to "test you" or put you on the spot.  Bring the skills you have, and be ready to learn. You WILL learn a lot, and have fun; even (ESPECIALLY!) if you're a newbie, or it's been a while since you've volunteered at an event. We Need YOU! You will learn more about "how" to instruct at an IBC than you can learn working an entire summer-full of Appleseed events.  IT IS WORTH YOUR TIME!!!

You can expect

Blue Hats - get to know the instructor corps, see what goes on "behind the scenes", learn how to help run a safe event, learn/practice the points of instruction and history in case you might want to change your hat color in the future.  We invite you to fully participate doing POIs, breakouts, troubleshooting - everything!

Orange Hats - this is a great way to boost your performance in 2021!  You'll have ample opportunities to practice and polish your points of instruction, safety, and history skills. Also, an IBC (in combination with your next regular Appleseed) may be used to move up the IIT ladder.

Red Hats - we need you!  Our ideal ratio is 1 Red Hat for every 2 Orange Hats.  Plus, this event will help to shake out the cobwebs that may have grown on your perishable skills.

Green Hats - You already know everything, right?  Great! If you're rusty? No problem. ALL Shoot Bosses should come out to this event.  This may be the only time we have such a large gathering of our cadre, and it's a great opportunity to make friends, build our team and relationships, and mentor each other.

There won't be any shooting, but there will be rifle familiarization depending on which rifles we can bring between all the participants - AR15, M1 Garand, M1A, AK, 10/22, 597 and 795, etc.

********************  PREPARATION? **************************

Bring - What should you bring? 

Required . . . 
•   Just like our shooters, a smile and a teachable attitude is vital. 

Nice to bring . . . if you have it; if it's convenient (especially for those flying)
•   Any teaching materials/aids you normally bring to an AS (Flip Charts/Cheat Sheet/Timer)
•   White board & markers (if you already have one)
•   Pointer - an inexpensive dowel from Home Depot is fine
•   Instructor Manual 9th Edition (9.1 - Mar 1, 2022) (printed or electronic)
•   A notebook or pad of paper and pens/pencils
•   A dummy rifle, if you already have one
•   Shooting mat
•   Your copy of Paul Revere's Ride
•   A flash drive if you want electronic copies of our files
•   Some way to video yourself in the breakout sessions - this will be an eye-opener for you

Prepare -  get the most from this weekend!

Academy Videos: Your time is limited and will best be spent on Appleseed Academy. You can see the best instructors in the program teach every POI. Watch, learn and practice. Especially practice, make notes, stand in front of a mirror or camera and practice.

History: every attendee will have a small piece of history to prepare (3 minutes maximum).

Read: IITs: 11 Things Your Shoot Boss Won't Tell You

Print and Commit to Memory: Cheat Sheet (coming email attachment)

Download and Read: Instructor Manual

There is no desire to put you on the spot, but the more preparation you do, the greater benefit you'll receive. There are 6 weeks until the IBC so let's get ready! Start at the top and do what you can. Our mission is serious: the urgency of saving the country and everyone's safety at our events.  These events are a lot of fun!

Please watch this thread for updates or to post questions (set this thread to "notify").  We'll see you all in June!
There's things that gnaw on a man worse than dyin'. - Open Range