
We need volunteers in sales, marketing, PR, IT, and general "running of an organization."  Maximize your Appleseed energy to make this program grow, and help fill the empty spots on the firing line!  An hour of time spent at this level can have the impact of ten or a hundred hours on the firing line.  Want to help? Send a PM to Monkey!

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Chino Valley, AZ - June 2-3 2018

Started by HNHArmory, June 04, 2018, 07:53:39 PM

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Our third Appleseed at Chino Valley Shooting Complex showed us what we come to expect from this venue.   Great range, great shooters, great fun!

Saturday morning showed us some beautiful weather, that, despite some wind, held all day.   After 'drinking from the fire hose' all morning shooters were making progress and asking great questions about the points of instruction. Groups quickly shrank from shotgun blasts to that sweet spot between 4-8 MOA and we were ready to move on.  Saturday afternoon showed us great engagement with our drills like 'carding the sights' and 'ball and dummy' and shooters were sent home ready to bring their A-game for AQT's on Sunday morning. 

Sunday morning showed good weather in the morning which became quite a bit hotter as the day got on, prompting the need to show Persistence!  Every shooter showed good improvement from their starting Redcoats.  There are a couple shooters who I fully expect to see again as they are getting VERY close to their patch.  One AQT was re-scored by the instructor coining a new phrase "Good thing he can shoot, because he can't add"  He had scored Rifleman, but summed the total wrong.   ^:)^   Additionally a Father-Son-Son team all got their patches at their first time Appleseed and during benediction on Sunday knew how they would take the 7'th step of fireing the shot and decided they would like to be orange hats!

I would like to thank all my shooters who "know very well what they are about".  We had one repeat AS attendee.  He had already shown us his ability to persist by getting a couple Rifleman scores with his 22 LR last time in Chino.  This time he was trying very hard to do the same with a 308 bolt action.  While he was within spitting distance of it all weekend he did not quite get there.  I do want to applaud his persistence and clap him heartily on his sore shoulder.  A 200's score from a bolt rifle with recoil is definitely something.  :snipersmi

I have some tips for attending an AS here in the future.  This is a great range with great facilities and a great staff.  However the bay we use is hard capped at 19 shooters so please pre-register. Bring a cooler full of ice with LOTS of water and a good lunch.  It's dry in the desert and you will need refreshments.  Eating a good lunch while we give our history lesson is really fun on this range and we all get into it.  While there is shade, we do spend some time exposed.  Stuff I would bring... hat, long selves (layers), a good shooting matt and / or elbow pads, 4x 10 round magazines, and of course a genuine GI Sling already attached to your rifle.  Feel free to email us with any questions before a shoot.
"...why are there 30 caliber holes in my target, Bryan?"