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Eagle Creek, OR Aug 4th KD Qualification

Started by Kimber Custom, August 03, 2016, 01:24:59 PM

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Kimber Custom

We will be running 3 full distance AQT's tomorrow morning out at Douglas Ridge Rifle Club. Safety brief and target line setup at 8. See you out there  :---

Kimber Custom

Oh how I love KD Qualification Day!  :---

We opened with our traditional 8" gong at 250 yards. Okay, a white gong on a yellow backdrop might not have been 'fair' but who says you will always have a nice, high contrast target?

12 shooters stepped up to the line. 4 new KD Riflemen - Sam, Kate, Adam & Chris. Bernie, David, Mike & Jane all showed that they still got KD chops and re-qualified. There were some equipment issues that held our other riflemen back but a rifleman persists.

We finished our 2nd AQT by lunch so we got to play a little in the early afternoon. 9" red balloon posted at 300 yards. 4 loose rounds on the mat. 'Safeties on stand! Ground your rifles - shooters were slightly confused but did as instructed. Shooters - fall back to the 400 yard line. 2 minutes turned out too be too much time to run from 400 to 300, sling up, single load your rifle (in the tradition of our forefathers) and engage a 3 MOA target. About half got it so maybe the time wasn't the constraint  :cool2:

All but 4 shooters left after our planned 3rd AQT. 4 hearty souls marched back to the 500 and 600 yard line. You know that 8" gong is still up there. 5 rounds each at the gong and darned if it wasn't hit 3 times  ..:..

A little whining about the 88* day but all in all a whole lot of fun. Cant wait for KD in October in Coeur d'Alene.



This was my first KD shoot, first time shooting at 400 yards, and second time shooting at 200 or 300. Also my first time at Douglas Ridge, which is a fantastic facility. Big thanks to Ben for suggesting I do this, for running the event, and for letting me crash at his house the night before!

My ballistics table was 16" off at 400 yards and I had a weird misfeed in stage two, so my first AQT kind of…sucked. My second AQT was a 234, with all but one in the black. I bailed halfway through the third AQT, but not after hitting my balloon on the first shot :). Wish I could have gotten some 500 and 600-yard dope, but I was no longer feeling sharp behind the trigger. My old nemesis "heat exhaustion" kicked in, in spite of drinking a gallon or so of water, and I had a five-hour drive back to Port Angeles.