
We need volunteers in sales, marketing, PR, IT, and general "running of an organization."  Maximize your Appleseed energy to make this program grow, and help fill the empty spots on the firing line!  An hour of time spent at this level can have the impact of ten or a hundred hours on the firing line.  Want to help? Send a PM to Monkey!

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La Grande, OR, August1/2,2015 AAR

Started by Prescott, August 03, 2015, 05:34:09 PM

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Thanks to the generous support of the La Grande Pistol and Rifle Club, Project Appleseed was back in town.   I would like to especially thank the range liaison, Lance, for picking the hottest weekend of the year for this annual event.   

The temperature at the range was pushing triple digits on both Saturday and Sunday, but all the participants did a great job of keeping hydrated and learning fundamental rifle marksmanship.    It is always an enjoyable weekend when the participants embrace the instruction and put the techniques into action.  Nothing is more satisfying than watching the participants group sizes get more accurate and precise throughout the weekend.

Congratulations to our 3 new rifleman and to the three rifleman that requalified their scores.   John, Mike and Trevor all absorbed the techniques they were taught and were able to earn their rifleman patches on Sunday.   Lance, Rylan and Stephanie were able to shoot respectable scores in the 220s to confirm that they know what they are all about.

We had a few other shooters that were getting very close to getting their patches.   A little dry practice at home and you should be able to get it at the next event you attend.

I would like to thank anfelique from stepping up and taking an Orange Hat.  I am looking forward to working more events with you during your IIT process.

"America will never be destroyed from the outside.  If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." - Abraham Lincoln


Thanks shooters, for coming out and working so hard in all that heat.  Dry practice works.  If you're knocking at the Rifleman door, try it.  There is a guide in the packet of info you got Saturday morning. 

Congratulations to the new Riflemen.

There are pictures at the link (I hope).  I have tried putting them into this post but it just isn't working for me today.