
We need volunteers in sales, marketing, PR, IT, and general "running of an organization."  Maximize your Appleseed energy to make this program grow, and help fill the empty spots on the firing line!  An hour of time spent at this level can have the impact of ten or a hundred hours on the firing line.  Want to help? Send a PM to Monkey!

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Oregon Appleseeders

Started by Wheeler44, June 27, 2008, 12:22:41 AM

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Hello Oregonians,  This is the place to air your views.

Want an Appleseed in your neighborhood?  Chime in.

Want an Appleseed the weekend that you are holding a reunion?  Speak up.

Want an Appleseed the weekend your Mother-in-law is visiting? Then this is the place to ask.

I have been in contact with interested parties in the mid-Willamette Valley, and North Central OR.

C'mon you Oregeon Appleseeders shout out what you would like and YOUR friendly Appleseed Coordinator will do everything he can to make it happen.

But it all starts with you.

So, let's hear it.

"Appleseed,  putting the second amendment into the hands of American citizens."     -Mrs. Wheeler

"We intend to produce men who are able to light a fire for Liberty in men's minds, and make them the finest rifle marksmanship instructors on the planet."   -Son of Martha


wheeler if you make anything happen within a hundred miles of hermiston i'll be there. working on something for la grande. once i have solid contacts i will turn them over to the right people to dot all the i's and cross all the t's
He that Hath No Sword Let Him Sell His Garment and Buy One- Luke 22:34

....from my cold dead hands....

   molon labe


Sounds great Jerry, soon we'll be shooting in your neighborhood.  I can't wait.
"Appleseed,  putting the second amendment into the hands of American citizens."     -Mrs. Wheeler

"We intend to produce men who are able to light a fire for Liberty in men's minds, and make them the finest rifle marksmanship instructors on the planet."   -Son of Martha


Jerry's friend and somewhat neighbor. We've served together in the local Fire House and Bambulance boxes.

Shoot together when we can, (never often enough!), like minded in many and assorted ways, including political direction.

I am a currently certed by NRA Instructor, TitleII shooter, player of fast fire arms and toys, reload, tinker with gun wrenching, play with iron .mil trucks, and shill harshly for Oregon Firearms Federation ( ) out here in Eastern OrYgunn.

Shooting is my passion and one of the few stress relievers that dependably lowers blood pressure via noise and smoke.

Looking for spots to lease, hopefully up to 600-1k meters for shoots and paractice. For all the "empty farm space" out here, darned little for folks to go use. Or if used, the slobs, dumpers and anusoids start filling areas in with their slop, and quickly finding ALL of we locked out...

2A doesn't mean a thing unless we've got a place to make it happen..

"Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual." - Thomas Jefferson


Welcome aboard Kevin,   with two of you workin' on it we should be able to schedule a shoot out your way soon.

In the mean time maybe you can carpool to the wetside for the shoot in August.

"Appleseed,  putting the second amendment into the hands of American citizens."     -Mrs. Wheeler

"We intend to produce men who are able to light a fire for Liberty in men's minds, and make them the finest rifle marksmanship instructors on the planet."   -Son of Martha


Jerry  and Kevin
you 2 will be very welcome here why not carpool  over and camp out , Heck I miaght even cook up some of my famous (or is that Infamous?) Asuim dead oppuisum Chilie  :D

Let me know will reserve a camp spot for ya if you let me know in time .

Got Tired of looking for a Rifle Range So we Dug one up!
4 box's #1 the soap box#2 the letter box #3 the ballot box #4 the cartridge box, The founding fathers picked up the Cartridge box so that WE could use the first 3,,IMO If you don't use those 3 then you dishonour the founding Fathers !


Hey Kevin,
Good to see ya here. Just tooka new shooter out tot the "pit" this weekend. Our friendly neighborhood surplus store sold her a glock 27 in .40. she had never fired a gun in her life. spent four hours on safety and the six steps to firing the shot. she would be ok now but i would still like her to get a .38 revolver instead. way to much gun for her.

Anyway let me know if you want to caravan to a shoot. i have the tent trailer and the truck we could make do.
He that Hath No Sword Let Him Sell His Garment and Buy One- Luke 22:34

....from my cold dead hands....

   molon labe


I'd love to help get some appleseeds planted here in our area.

Prefer not to have to drive to LaGrande to shoot, finding a spot here may be problematic.

I've been talking to John Walchi, he's got a private range out there on his place. He MAY allow an organized *controlled* event there.
(He's had far too many range turds drop out there to allow unfettered access anymore..)

Anyway, if there are Instructors that can come, and we can advertise, think there is enough lead time to make a decent event happen.

Looks like I may have to go back to clinic dialysis, and the damn catheter in my shootin' shoulder. If so, then I'll be another RO or guy with camera.

Beastie is looking forward to shooting an Appleseed, need to get him to one.. :)

"Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual." - Thomas Jefferson


Hey there skip and Jerry, there ain't no need to wait 'til next April to have a shoot. 

Talk to your buddy with the land and have him call me or I'll call him.  We'll do everything we can to make it work for him and for you.

We don't need much of a place, just a place.

PM me for contact info and suggestions.

"Appleseed,  putting the second amendment into the hands of American citizens."     -Mrs. Wheeler

"We intend to produce men who are able to light a fire for Liberty in men's minds, and make them the finest rifle marksmanship instructors on the planet."   -Son of Martha



Looks like the War Department this end has given her permission for we boys to take off and go play, err, shoot..

Have registration form in hand, will have in in snailmail ASAP.

Let me ask, how much physical space does the shooting range need be to hold an Appleseed?

I'm trying to find a spot in Hermiston area, close to amenities, yet far enough out for privacy.

One farmer, John Walchi, Walchi Farms, Hermiston, has a nice spot of private range that has been used by public in past. he's had the typical problems with trash gunners and other folks who tended his property poorly.
Asking him gently and with such a program might be a good thing.

Jerry was telling me of a spot we've used in past, will take some asking, sweet talking and maybe some corporate begging. Would be sweet, easy to access, and a VERY safe place to shoot.

"I may be a big ole fat fool, but I'm a plannin' fool!" :)

Here's my reason to learn Appleseed..

"Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual." - Thomas Jefferson


Skipnchurch, please see the new thread here titled "Appleseed range requirements".  I started a new thread to answer your question and inspire others to start planning too.

Good job and keep up the good work, after all it's "for the children"

"Appleseed,  putting the second amendment into the hands of American citizens."     -Mrs. Wheeler

"We intend to produce men who are able to light a fire for Liberty in men's minds, and make them the finest rifle marksmanship instructors on the planet."   -Son of Martha


Held a couple of southern and south coast Appleseeds a few years back.
No clue exactly why the interest died out.  Three options for places on
the south coast for places to hold them.   Two places in the valley!
Minimum size range needed is 25 meters.


Bend, Or. IIT, getting a DAR up in Christmas Valley.
...and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Nip the shoots of arbitrary power in the bud, is the only maxim which can ever preserve the liberties of any people.
John Adams, from the Boston Gazette, February 6, 1775

We live, my dear soul, in an age of trial. What will be the consequence, I know not.
John Adams in a letter to Abigail, 1774.