Project Appleseed

Our Welcome Center => Announcements => Topic started by: Western Rose on May 08, 2011, 12:05:17 PM

Title: Happy Mother's Day!!!
Post by: Western Rose on May 08, 2011, 12:05:17 PM
Written by Ishy

Without you we wouldn't be a a free alive.  Without your sacrifice we wouldn't know what it means to be a a an American.  Without your guidance we couldn't be blessed.

Thank you for living the life we were meant to pursue. 
Thank you for teaching us not to make the same mistakes as those before us.
Thank you for instilling Godly values into our beliefs.
Thank you for sheltering us from the evils of the world.
Thank you for persevering despite the extreme challenges of motherhood.
Thank you for those sleepless nights you spent on your knees on our behalf.
Thank you for demonstrating gracious womanhood.
Thank you for emulating Jesus Christ.
Thank you for your unfailing love and compassion.
Thank you for being YOU.

"Motherhood is priced of God, at price no man may dare to lessen or misunderstand."  ~Helen Hunt Jackson

Happy Mother's Day from the Appleseed youth!

Hey Mom,

I want to say thank you for who you are to me and what you do in my life.  The words and actions you've displayed to me have changed how I live.  You have greatly impacted the way I serve God, the way I interact and treat others, and even the way I Appleseed.
Thanks for putting up with me and all the mistakes I've made over the years.  I have put you through many things that no mom should ever have to deal with, and you've forgiven me every time.  Yeah, you forgive me, and that's huge, but you never stop there; because of how much you love me, you always take the time out of your crazy busy life to deal with the root, giving me the help I need so that I don't make the same mistake again.
Of course I know you're not perfect, but I'd be a fool to believe that there's a better mom out there. 

I also want to say a big 'Thank You' to all the other moms out there who have contributed to this program and to my life in too many ways to list.  Two in particular that I would like to say thank you to are TruTenacity and Mrs. RednekEngr; your contributions to the program as well as to me personally are far beyond words.  You truly are amazing moms.

Love you Mom.  Thanks for being the best there is.

Happy Mother's Day!!! - Still Learnin

To all of the Moms, I don't know most of you, but I want to say thank you for doing all that you are doing to help my generation. It seems like we don't notice much, but I want you to know that it is appreciated very much by those who do notice. Thank you and Happy Mother's Day!!!
Thanks to my own Mom for teaching me, being patient with me, putting up with all of the crazy stuff I do, working through things with me, and on top of all of that, showing me what a Godly wife and mother should be. Thank you for setting that example for me. Thank you for being there for me. Love you tons. - Western Rose
Title: Re: Happy Mother's Day!!!
Post by: Evenstar on May 08, 2011, 12:15:29 PM
I haven't had the time to write up something really nice or fancy... but I want to wish all the mothers out there in Appleseed a Happy Mother's Day. Thank you all for the sacrifices you make on a daily basis to care for your families. Even the little things that no one seems to notice. Thank you. May you be blessed!

To my own mum: thank you for everything. Thank you for caring for me, for taking the time to teach me about the kind of woman I should be, for your patience with me, for loving me despite who I am and what I've done. What a Godly example you've been to me, even if I don't notice it at times. I love you.

Happy Mother's Day!!!

Title: Re: Happy Mother's Day!!!
Post by: CaptG on May 08, 2011, 02:24:22 PM
To ALL you moms out there:
:bow: :bow: :bow:
Title: Re: Happy Mother's Day!!!
Post by: TaosGlock on May 08, 2011, 10:14:38 PM
Happy Mother's Day to all you mom's !!
Title: Re: Happy Mother's Day!!!
Post by: Blue Five on May 08, 2011, 10:16:28 PM
I'd like to wish my mother a special Happy Mother's day..because she got up early with her two IIT sons so she could go and shoot at a range forty minutes away.  Although she did not score rifleman, she had a great time (I'd like to think) with the two of us there.  Go mom!  :)
Title: Re: Happy Mother's Day!!!
Post by: TruTenacity on May 10, 2011, 12:34:46 AM
I think I'm safe to say I'm speaking for all the Appleseed Mothers, you kids including the whole Youth Instructor Corp are great!

You are the next generation John Adams was talking about regarding his posterity.

Don't forget your heritage.
Don't forget to pass it on.
And don't forget to listen to your parents.  ;)

Mom, Mrs. C., TruT