Project Appleseed

Your Appleseed State Board => Wisconsin => Topic started by: little buddy on September 15, 2017, 03:25:23 PM

Title: LadySeed Sept 23-24 Liberty Center Ohio
Post by: little buddy on September 15, 2017, 03:25:23 PM
There are six students more to come. Charley is asking for Female Instructors to help first. You may want to read this about Ladyseed's There is a whole thread. Charley would like some help Female Instructors please step up to help a sister Ladyseed. The following is an older post but is in regards to a LadySeed shoot.

Ladies, what can we do to get even more women active in Appleseed?

Senior Instructor
Hero Member

Posts: 1090
AKA Bashful

Re: Ladies, what can we do to get even more women active in Appleseed?
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2009, 11:44:54 AM »

There was an All women's AS in May at Wayland, IA, I was there instructing. At that time, we figured it would be best to have an all women's instructor corps and the only men that were there was Brokensling because he brought his daughter .5 and he was there to haul things around, but he didn't do any instruction. The other guy that was there was the land owner and he showed up everyone once in awhile to see how everything was going and to see how his daughter was doing. We thought that since it was supposed to be an ALL Women's AS that it should have ALL Women.

The women instructors came from NY, WI, IN, OH and MO. All the instructors were excited to be there for this all women's event. The line was small, but it was a bunch of shy women that probably wouldn't have gone if there were men, at least not to their first one.

techres, if you want an all women's AS, set one up and I would be more than happy to come instruct and there are a few other women instructors here in WI that I could probably drag along, and I know one female IL instructor that I could probably get too. If you want one don't let the the wondering of who will instruct it hold you back, there are women instructors that would love to do it. If you want this to go to PMs send me one and we can start figuring this out.

viv303, I do agree with you that many women don't want to go probably because they think their sig other will be the one instructing them, and I do see this a lot. When I am instructing, I kick them off that part of the line and personally instruct that person shooting. I do this with all family members actually.

I do love the diversity of AS, but once in awhile I think for some women that it is good for them to have an all women's AS.

Little Buddy